Sunday, August 31, 2008

cuddly view on adoption....

Pune for some time now has been credited with titles such as 'oxford of the east', or ' pensioners paradise'.....but off late it has come to be called as the 'adoption capital of India'...for obvious reasons..adoption in India has long been looked down stigma's,bias attitude,and averse thinking are few of the many reasons why couples shy from even venturing anywhere close to the idea of adoption.
The rise in adoption in pune is mainly cause the legal procedures aren't very tedious.Adoption trends in the city are changing rapidly too.More young people have been coming to the fore for this humane cause.Society's outlook on adoption has hence changed immensely.
there has been a surging rise in the number of NGO's and adoption agencies in the city which contribute to the rise in adoption.not being able to have children of your own shouldn't discourage aspiring parents,since having an adopted child isn't very different from having a biological one cause one still has to stay awake late into the night and change nappies....:)
The trend is fast catching on with single parents...working mum's and dad's ie.
I think this is a good step forward for the Indian society as a whole,cause these orphans need the very same love and care that any other child would require.There still is a segment of the crowd who are withholding but wont be able to do so for long.

The various changing trends in adoption as i have sited in a news article are as follows:
  • youngsters stepping forward to adopt
  • rising demand for girl child
  • couples not seeking child's biological history
  • grandparents and family aren't averse anymore
  • being unable to conceive isn't a social stigma anymore
these factors have helped this worthy cause...
i hence conclude by saying Adoption in many ways is even better than having your own